by Vasilis Giavris (Lawyer & Political Scientist)
Hellenism finds itself in the midst of a global financial crisis. Greece is experiencing dramatic economic, political and social devastation. Dealing with the existing socio-politico and economic realities and the emerging challenges requires the Hellenic Diaspora not to remain idle and complacent.
We live in an inter-dependent world in which political, cultural and economic events are interconnected and where emerging global challenges require global analysis, global commitment and a global response.
Inevitably, the Hellenic Diaspora needs to reassess its future. It must devise a strategy that will secure its presence in a new globalised world by instilling national confidence and investing in technological and educational excellence and in its historical and cultural traditions.
The Hellenic Diaspora, and the millions of Hellenes that comprise it, are an integral part of Greece and should not be wasted on short sighted foreign policy gains and party political power games. Indeed, a true national Hellenic reconstruction needs to inspire and mobilize the global forces of Hellenism.
The Hellenic Diaspora needs to stand up and accept that they have a historical and moral obligation to contribute towards a new post-partisan leadership that will champion a new ethos and vision for Hellenism and Greece.
The Hellenic Diaspora must help motivate, encourage and mobilize the wider Hellenic forces and help create the essential consents and momentum required to enhance the aspirations of Hellenism and Greece in the 21st century.
The transformation of Greece requires active and dynamic Hellenic citizens of the world, free from introspection, dogmatism, partisanship and corruption.
It requires every single one of us since: EVERY GREEK IS AN AMBASSADOR FOR GREECE!!
For Hellenism, Transparency and Social Justice